IHS Statement re: Breeders Meeting
Issued 13th June, 2100hrs
We are aware of a press release issued by the animal rights extremist group the APA regarding the IHS show in Doncaster this weekend – 17th June 2012.
On the 12th of June 2012 at 12:00 a meeting between representatives of the International Herpetological Society, Federation of British Herpetologists, Doncaster Borough Council and Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust (The Dome) took place at the behest the Council. This meeting concluded at approximately 2pm. The APA were not present at this meeting, however the Animal Protection Agency issued the following press release shortly after:
This press release directly conflicts with the information given to the representatives of the International Herpetological Society and the Federation of British Herpetologists on the same day by Doncaster Borough Council. This matter is now with our solicitors in order to clarify the nature of the problem, as it is our understanding that the event is fully compliant with the law. The International Herpetological Society currently holds written contracts with Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust to hold the Breeders Meeting on the 17th of June 2012 and 23rd September 2012.
The overriding fact does remain that public safety must be given priority and the threat of terrorist activity needs to be given due consideration. The organisers are, however, determined not be intimidated and will do their utmost to ensure that the event can continue.
The organisers of this year’s event are seeking to find a resolution to this problem and will not be bullied into letting down all of those people who have supported the show over the years. Unfortunately the tried and tested AR tactic of attacking the venue at the last minute does mean that little time now remains to resolve the issue but further information will be released as soon as it is available.
In the meantime we thank you for your support and encouragement and ask that you continue to express your support for your hobby via the IHS and FBH.
On the 12th of June 2012 at 12:00 a meeting between representatives of the International Herpetological Society, Federation of British Herpetologists, Doncaster Borough Council and Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust (The Dome) took place at the behest the Council. This meeting concluded at approximately 2pm. The APA were not present at this meeting, however the Animal Protection Agency issued the following press release shortly after:
This press release directly conflicts with the information given to the representatives of the International Herpetological Society and the Federation of British Herpetologists on the same day by Doncaster Borough Council. This matter is now with our solicitors in order to clarify the nature of the problem, as it is our understanding that the event is fully compliant with the law. The International Herpetological Society currently holds written contracts with Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust to hold the Breeders Meeting on the 17th of June 2012 and 23rd September 2012.
The overriding fact does remain that public safety must be given priority and the threat of terrorist activity needs to be given due consideration. The organisers are, however, determined not be intimidated and will do their utmost to ensure that the event can continue.
The organisers of this year’s event are seeking to find a resolution to this problem and will not be bullied into letting down all of those people who have supported the show over the years. Unfortunately the tried and tested AR tactic of attacking the venue at the last minute does mean that little time now remains to resolve the issue but further information will be released as soon as it is available.
In the meantime we thank you for your support and encouragement and ask that you continue to express your support for your hobby via the IHS and FBH.
Statement from the FBH about the latest proceedings on the Doncaster IHS Show...
Dear all,
As you are all know doubt aware a matter has arisen in respect of the
IHS Breeders Meeting scheduled to take place this Sunday the 17th of
June 2012. The information contained within the Animal Protection
Agency Press Release dated the 12th of June is, as one would expect,
not entirely accurate.
Notwithstanding this there are significant issues with the event,
below is an exchange of correspondence between myself and the chief
executive of Doncaster Cultural Leisure Trust who operate the venue
which I believe are self explanatory.
The matter is now in the hands of our legal advisors and this will be
in Court tomorrow [15th of June]. I shall post further information as
it becomes available. If you are planning to attend the show on the
Sunday then please watch this space for updates. Those attending in a
formal capacity will be informed by phone of developments as soon as
they are known.
The FBH Conference on the Saturday will not be affected.
Thank you for your continuing support and please circulate this
information as widely as possible.
Chris Newman
Chairman Federation of British Herpetologists
Open Letter to:
Michael Hart, Chief Executive - Doncaster Cultural Leisure Trust
cc Jo Miller, Chief Executive - Doncaster Borough Council
Re: International Herpetological Breeders Meeting 17th of June 2012
Dear Michael,
Further to the discussions that took place at the meeting on the 12th
of June and our subsequent telephone conversations, regrettably we
cannot concede to your demands that no animals be sold on the day. As
chairman of the Federation of British Herpetologists it is incumbent
upon me to represent the best interests of the herpetological
The Breeders’ Meeting, at which breeders have always sold and
exchanged surplus breeding stock, has taken place at the Dome since
2004. No changes in legislation have been enacted since that time
other than the proposed removal of Section 2 of the Pet Animals Act
1951 under the Animal Welfare Act. As you know this proposed change
in legislation would be welcomed by the FBH as it would permit such
events to be licensed, a position also supported by Doncaster Borough
Council in the past.
Doncaster Cultural Leisure Trust has entered into a binding contract
with the International Herpetological Society to provide facilities
for the Society to hold its Breeders’ Meeting on the 17th of June
2012, as it has for the past eight years, and there is no reason why
this year’s event cannot proceed as it has previously. It is our
understanding that these Breeders Meetings are fully compliant with
the law and we are, therefore, unable to change the remit of the event
in particular at such short notice. We believe it is unnecessary,
unreasonable and disproportionate.
It would be easy for us to agree that no animals would be sold on the
day and then to dishonour that commitment. But, unlike our opponents,
we operate with the highest levels of integrity and such an action is
ethically untenable. It is our firm belief that Breeders’ Meetings
are fully compliant with the Pet Animals Act 1951 as amended. I would
suggest this view is supported by Doncaster Borough Council who have
approved the events over the past eight years and have even attended
in an official capacity. In 2010 Doncaster Borough Council sought a
barrister’s opinion on the matter and took no action having found no
cause for legal or ethical complaint them.
The most logical course of action for all parties is for the event to
take place normally and for the authorities take remedial action if
they believe any transgressions of the law have taken place.
In our opinion it is patently clear from the meeting on the 12th that
Doncaster Borough Council are endeavoring to make Doncaster Cultural
Leisure Trust the scapegoats and close a lawful event simply because
the Council have received criticism from a vocal minority. I am aware
of the contractual issues between Doncaster Borough Council and
Doncaster Cultural Leisure Trust, but I trust that all in authority
would act with integrity and not seek punitive retribution should the
Trust honor its legal commitments. This behavior would be entirely
If Doncaster Cultural Leisure Trust breaches its contract with the
International Herpetological Society and cancels or alters the hire of
the facilities for its Breeders’ Meeting on the 17th of June, we have
no choice but to take immediate civil litigation to enforce the terms
of the contract. We therefore require that you confirm in writing by
no later than 15:00hrs today (14th June), the decision of Doncaster
Cultural Leisure Trust in respect of this matter.
We fully appreciate and regret the pressure that you are under and we
were not aware until Tuesday that you had received death threats for
allowing the event to run in the past. Organisers and members from
the International Herpetological Society have also been threatened and
over the past ten years my own home has been attacked six times by
fanatical Animal Rights Activists.
We cannot and should not, however, allow threats from a vocal
minority to affect the thousands of people who enjoy these events and
we must take whatever action is necessary to allow the IHS Breeders’
Meeting to take place this weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Chris Newman
Chairman Federation of British Herpetologists
14th June, 2012 @ 12:00hrs
cc Knights Solicitors
Rt. Hon Rosie Winterton MP, Doncaster Central
Rt. Hon Ed Miliband MP, Doncaster North
Rt. Hon Caroline Flint MP, Don Valley
Peter Davies, Mayor of Doncaster
Response to letter received 14th June, 12.28pm
Re: International Herpetological Breeder’s Meeting, 17th June 2012
Dear Chris
Thank you for your letter received today regarding to the
International Herpetological Society’s position in relation to the
operation of the event scheduled to take place on Sunday 17th June
As you aware Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust met with yourself
and Richard Brook to request that the event on Sunday took place with
a ruling of no sale of any animal. We were clear that if this request
could not be met, Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust would be unable
to allow the event to take place at a venue under the Trust portfolio.
Further to the position outlined in the letter by the International
Herpetological Society, it is with regret that I must inform you that
Doncaster Culture Leisure Trust will not allow the event to take place
at The Dome.
This decision is in relation to the event scheduled on Sunday 17th
June 2012.
I would be grateful if you could inform me of your intentions towards
the Conference and Function scheduled to take place at The Dome on
Saturday 16th June 2012.
Also at the meeting we discussed that once a decision was reached we
would issue a joint press release, can I confirm that you still wish
to do this? And if so could you please contact me with regard to the
proposed wording.
Yours sincerely
Michael Hart
Chief Executive
Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust
Open Letter to:
Michael Hart, Chief Executive - Doncaster Cultural Leisure Trust
cc Jo Miller, Chief Executive - Doncaster Borough Council
Re: International Herpetological Breeders Meeting 17th of June 2012
Dear Michael,
I am afraid that the DCLT’s action is a flagrant breach of its
contract with Richard Brook and IHS. Richard and the IHS have been
given insufficient notice of all this and have had no time to mitigate
their losses. The only sensible option is to issue proceedings and
these will be put in hand as soon as possible. Samuel Laughton of
Counsel has been retained and our Solicitors will instruct him
shortly. The plan is to issue on an emergency basis in the Chancery
Division in London with a hearing tomorrow. If DCLT wishes to attend
and wishes to be represented you need to answer Matthew Knight’s
letter/fax of even date and indicate who is going to deal with this
for DCLT. In the absence of any of this our solicitors will issue
without formal notice and will go ahead with the injunction
application on an exparte basis ie without DCLT present or
Obviously it would be better if DCLT was present and was represented
and so I suggest that you organise your solicitors to defend these
proceedings and to line Counsel up to represent DCLT in the Chancery
Division tomorrow.
As regards to the conference, arrangements for this remain unchanged.
Yours sincerely,
Chris Newman
Chairman Federation of British Herpetologists
14th June, 2012 @ 15:51hrs
cc Knights Solicitors
Rt. Hon Rosie Winterton MP, Doncaster Central
Rt. Hon Ed Miliband MP, Doncaster North
Rt. Hon Caroline Flint MP, Don Valley
Peter Davies, Mayor of Doncaster
As you are all know doubt aware a matter has arisen in respect of the
IHS Breeders Meeting scheduled to take place this Sunday the 17th of
June 2012. The information contained within the Animal Protection
Agency Press Release dated the 12th of June is, as one would expect,
not entirely accurate.
Notwithstanding this there are significant issues with the event,
below is an exchange of correspondence between myself and the chief
executive of Doncaster Cultural Leisure Trust who operate the venue
which I believe are self explanatory.
The matter is now in the hands of our legal advisors and this will be
in Court tomorrow [15th of June]. I shall post further information as
it becomes available. If you are planning to attend the show on the
Sunday then please watch this space for updates. Those attending in a
formal capacity will be informed by phone of developments as soon as
they are known.
The FBH Conference on the Saturday will not be affected.
Thank you for your continuing support and please circulate this
information as widely as possible.
Chris Newman
Chairman Federation of British Herpetologists
Open Letter to:
Michael Hart, Chief Executive - Doncaster Cultural Leisure Trust
cc Jo Miller, Chief Executive - Doncaster Borough Council
Re: International Herpetological Breeders Meeting 17th of June 2012
Dear Michael,
Further to the discussions that took place at the meeting on the 12th
of June and our subsequent telephone conversations, regrettably we
cannot concede to your demands that no animals be sold on the day. As
chairman of the Federation of British Herpetologists it is incumbent
upon me to represent the best interests of the herpetological
The Breeders’ Meeting, at which breeders have always sold and
exchanged surplus breeding stock, has taken place at the Dome since
2004. No changes in legislation have been enacted since that time
other than the proposed removal of Section 2 of the Pet Animals Act
1951 under the Animal Welfare Act. As you know this proposed change
in legislation would be welcomed by the FBH as it would permit such
events to be licensed, a position also supported by Doncaster Borough
Council in the past.
Doncaster Cultural Leisure Trust has entered into a binding contract
with the International Herpetological Society to provide facilities
for the Society to hold its Breeders’ Meeting on the 17th of June
2012, as it has for the past eight years, and there is no reason why
this year’s event cannot proceed as it has previously. It is our
understanding that these Breeders Meetings are fully compliant with
the law and we are, therefore, unable to change the remit of the event
in particular at such short notice. We believe it is unnecessary,
unreasonable and disproportionate.
It would be easy for us to agree that no animals would be sold on the
day and then to dishonour that commitment. But, unlike our opponents,
we operate with the highest levels of integrity and such an action is
ethically untenable. It is our firm belief that Breeders’ Meetings
are fully compliant with the Pet Animals Act 1951 as amended. I would
suggest this view is supported by Doncaster Borough Council who have
approved the events over the past eight years and have even attended
in an official capacity. In 2010 Doncaster Borough Council sought a
barrister’s opinion on the matter and took no action having found no
cause for legal or ethical complaint them.
The most logical course of action for all parties is for the event to
take place normally and for the authorities take remedial action if
they believe any transgressions of the law have taken place.
In our opinion it is patently clear from the meeting on the 12th that
Doncaster Borough Council are endeavoring to make Doncaster Cultural
Leisure Trust the scapegoats and close a lawful event simply because
the Council have received criticism from a vocal minority. I am aware
of the contractual issues between Doncaster Borough Council and
Doncaster Cultural Leisure Trust, but I trust that all in authority
would act with integrity and not seek punitive retribution should the
Trust honor its legal commitments. This behavior would be entirely
If Doncaster Cultural Leisure Trust breaches its contract with the
International Herpetological Society and cancels or alters the hire of
the facilities for its Breeders’ Meeting on the 17th of June, we have
no choice but to take immediate civil litigation to enforce the terms
of the contract. We therefore require that you confirm in writing by
no later than 15:00hrs today (14th June), the decision of Doncaster
Cultural Leisure Trust in respect of this matter.
We fully appreciate and regret the pressure that you are under and we
were not aware until Tuesday that you had received death threats for
allowing the event to run in the past. Organisers and members from
the International Herpetological Society have also been threatened and
over the past ten years my own home has been attacked six times by
fanatical Animal Rights Activists.
We cannot and should not, however, allow threats from a vocal
minority to affect the thousands of people who enjoy these events and
we must take whatever action is necessary to allow the IHS Breeders’
Meeting to take place this weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Chris Newman
Chairman Federation of British Herpetologists
14th June, 2012 @ 12:00hrs
cc Knights Solicitors
Rt. Hon Rosie Winterton MP, Doncaster Central
Rt. Hon Ed Miliband MP, Doncaster North
Rt. Hon Caroline Flint MP, Don Valley
Peter Davies, Mayor of Doncaster
Response to letter received 14th June, 12.28pm
Re: International Herpetological Breeder’s Meeting, 17th June 2012
Dear Chris
Thank you for your letter received today regarding to the
International Herpetological Society’s position in relation to the
operation of the event scheduled to take place on Sunday 17th June
As you aware Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust met with yourself
and Richard Brook to request that the event on Sunday took place with
a ruling of no sale of any animal. We were clear that if this request
could not be met, Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust would be unable
to allow the event to take place at a venue under the Trust portfolio.
Further to the position outlined in the letter by the International
Herpetological Society, it is with regret that I must inform you that
Doncaster Culture Leisure Trust will not allow the event to take place
at The Dome.
This decision is in relation to the event scheduled on Sunday 17th
June 2012.
I would be grateful if you could inform me of your intentions towards
the Conference and Function scheduled to take place at The Dome on
Saturday 16th June 2012.
Also at the meeting we discussed that once a decision was reached we
would issue a joint press release, can I confirm that you still wish
to do this? And if so could you please contact me with regard to the
proposed wording.
Yours sincerely
Michael Hart
Chief Executive
Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust
Open Letter to:
Michael Hart, Chief Executive - Doncaster Cultural Leisure Trust
cc Jo Miller, Chief Executive - Doncaster Borough Council
Re: International Herpetological Breeders Meeting 17th of June 2012
Dear Michael,
I am afraid that the DCLT’s action is a flagrant breach of its
contract with Richard Brook and IHS. Richard and the IHS have been
given insufficient notice of all this and have had no time to mitigate
their losses. The only sensible option is to issue proceedings and
these will be put in hand as soon as possible. Samuel Laughton of
Counsel has been retained and our Solicitors will instruct him
shortly. The plan is to issue on an emergency basis in the Chancery
Division in London with a hearing tomorrow. If DCLT wishes to attend
and wishes to be represented you need to answer Matthew Knight’s
letter/fax of even date and indicate who is going to deal with this
for DCLT. In the absence of any of this our solicitors will issue
without formal notice and will go ahead with the injunction
application on an exparte basis ie without DCLT present or
Obviously it would be better if DCLT was present and was represented
and so I suggest that you organise your solicitors to defend these
proceedings and to line Counsel up to represent DCLT in the Chancery
Division tomorrow.
As regards to the conference, arrangements for this remain unchanged.
Yours sincerely,
Chris Newman
Chairman Federation of British Herpetologists
14th June, 2012 @ 15:51hrs
cc Knights Solicitors
Rt. Hon Rosie Winterton MP, Doncaster Central
Rt. Hon Ed Miliband MP, Doncaster North
Rt. Hon Caroline Flint MP, Don Valley
Peter Davies, Mayor of Doncaster
An open letter for publication
The International Herpetological Society - Doncaster Show, 17th June 2012
Tim Wass MBE, Independent Animal Welfare Consultant
Richards Story
Last Sunday I met Richard. That's not his real name and having to change it to protect him shows you just how ridiculous this has all become. If some are to be believed, Richard sits atop a cruel and exploitative trade in wild animals which is responsible for raping the natural resources of far flung countries.
I had been asked to conduct a full and open animal welfare review of the International Herpetological Societies (IHS) show in Doncaster. I approached the event with all the normal "eyes wide open" trepidation that I usually do. Am I going to unearth horrible secrets and evidence of animal abuse? Will they be open with me, and most importantly, if I see problems or identify opportunities for improvement will they listen and act?
A large sports hall is laid out with about a hundred tables, each is occupied by a member of the IHS or another group such as the Federation of British Herpetologists. You can only have a stand if you are a member and you cannot have one if you run a pet shop or are registered for VAT. In other words this is an event for private hobbyists like Richard who in his case breeds snakes and wants to sell so called surplus animals.
Hang on though, that sounds cruel in itself doesn't it; "Surplus" i.e. not wanted. Well think for a moment about every animal breeder at the Kennel Club or at the National Cat Fancy. Their members are questing to produce the very best example of their chosen breed or species of animal and they certainly can't keep every animal they breed. Reptile breeders and hobbyists like Richard are no different.
All the members had been written to and asked to cooperate with me fully and to give me completely open access, they did and I will use Richard to illustrate.
He has a very professional, clean and organised stand which displays his own forty or so infant snakes, all are healthy and born here in the UK, in other words Captive Bred. Back at home Richard has a room dedicated to his hobby. I tell him that I think he is slightly strange and he agrees with enthusiasm.
On his stand he has a range of species specific care sheets which he produces at his own cost and freely hands out. He is proud that he "interrogates" potential buyers of his animals and even more proud that twice already that day he had refused to sell a snake because in one case he didn't believe the man had the right level of knowledge, and in the other there was "just something about him I didn't like"
Whilst I know nothing whatsoever about Snakes, that doesn't mean I can't and don't appreciate their beauty and diversity. So when I pay particular attention to a small and beautifully brightly coloured creature. Richard says "So you like Ian then?" You have got to be kidding me! He has names for them!
I wasn't born yesterday, so I ask him how he can prove it is called "Ian" and I am invited to pick up the box. Sure enough, under it is a card which tells me that the snake is indeed called Ian, moreover it tells me the names of Ian's Mum and Dad. What his unique reference number is, and it has a record of when Ian last fed.
Still not born yesterday, I muse that all forty must be called Ian? At this point I am introduced to William, and next to him Kate. I pick them up, look at the card, and sure enough the royal namesakes are present and correct.
Richard is a harsh critic of some within his hobby who he says are on a mission to be the first to breed a new genetic morph. He doesn't think it should be about the money but about the beauty of the animals which he loves. He has a point here, I would hate to see the reptile hobby repeat the mistakes others have.
He certainly does not believe that the public should ever be sold wild caught snakes or reptiles generally (they rarely are these days) and wants to work within the hobby to ensure that if someone wants to have a reptile as a pet, that it comes from a reputable breeder or source who has the right knowledge and interest to pass on to the new owner.
Richard freely tells me that he does hear a rumour now again about someone not behaving as they should. What he wants is for the organisations he is a member of to get tough. To self regulate effectively and if necessary to expel any bad apples and to report them to the appropriate authorities. I could not agree more.
As a serious hobbyist with the welfare of his animals uppermost, he is desperate to be recognised and accredited. He should be. Richard and those like him should be held up and hailed for their best practice and conduct, whilst those (few) at the other end of the scale should be sought out and exposed for what they are.
He also believes that specialist pet shops who operate openly, honestly and to the very highest of standards in terms of where their animals come from, together with impeccable welfare and health standards should be accredited. Again he is right.
He has a completely "open" book philosophy and has nothing to hide. Some years ago he became concerned that it could be alleged that he was earning none disclosed income from his hobby so he started submitting full returns to HMRC. In the tax year 2010/2011 his profit was just short of £3000.00. He smiles when he tells me about his "profit", because it goes straight back into supporting his hobby.
It was a pleasure to meet Richard, but please do not think for a moment that he is alone. He is typical of nearly everyone I met at the show and very far removed from the rabid, ill informed and scaremongering animal rights description of them.
There are issues to be addressed within this hobby, some are real, some are perception but all are capable of being solved or improved, given some time, effort and a little money.
What is not up for debate is that pet ownership, including reptiles, is on the increase. Nothing is likely to arrest this trend soon. All that is left then is to decide how we organise ourselves to ensure that it is done properly with correct education, sound husbandry, the best equipment and above all an impeccable approach to animal welfare and conservation.
If you are reading this, and you are one of the tiny percentage who know that you are doing wrong, my message is that you should change or stop now. If you don't, we will find you and you will be dealt with. This great hobby represented by "Richard" and likeminded caring people does not need, want or deserve to have its reputation tarnished by you.
On a personal note, my professional life and vocation has been to find and legally deal with those who abuse animals or visit cruelty upon them. You don't want me knocking at your door.
In a separate report to the IHS and FBH I will lay out what I believe needs to be done to build on the positive progress so far and to ensure the very highest of standards and compliance within the hobby. In the face of lack of formal regulation and licensing it will focus on tough self regulation which will be designed to give everyone confidence that this hobby and the trade surrounding it, is good, wholesome, caring, appropriate and domestically sustainable.
Much of what I recommend will be based on my interview with Richard and others. You know who you are and thank you! If we get this right, you will be able to come out of the shadows and pursue your hobby without fear or intimidation.