Well today has been a very eventful day, Firstly I spent the morning at my work shop finishing off a few bits to the latest Vivs I've been building, I then fitted them, this afternoon. they look great, I'm really pleased with them and my mate was too.
From there I went to see a good friend of mine who breeds a lot of Amphibians. I ended up coming home with another Incubator ;-), When I finally got home, I made a cuppa then went to my incubation room, to fit the new incubator.
I thought I'd check on the Eggs to find that some of my corns have started to hatch
From there I went to see a good friend of mine who breeds a lot of Amphibians. I ended up coming home with another Incubator ;-), When I finally got home, I made a cuppa then went to my incubation room, to fit the new incubator.
I thought I'd check on the Eggs to find that some of my corns have started to hatch